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  • Does my horse have to be 'saddle ready'?
    Yes, both physically and mentally. Your horse needs to be in a healthy condition, not emaciated. Your horse needs good strength to begin carrying weight on his back. We know that horses don't always have good topline or loads of muscle and that's just fine. But he needs to be healthy and ready to begin or continue his riding career. In addition, he needs to be used to having a saddle placed on his back in order for us to assess him properly. Having been ridden is not a requirement so long as he is comfortable with having saddles and girths/cinches placed on and off his back, possibly several times in one session. Does my horse have to be physically mature or can I fit my 3 year old, knowing he may change? We can absolutely fit your baby in order to begin his journey in a safe and comfortable manner. We want him to have the best possible start!
  • Is saddle fitting a "One and Done" thing?
    No way! Did you know that apart from physical maturity, things such as illness or spells can influence your horse's saddle fit? As little as 2 weeks out of work can alter your horse's fit a full size. We strongly recommend having your saddle fit checked each year as a matter of good horsemanship and healthcare. Do I need to be a high-level rider doing high performance to get the most out of a saddle fit? Absolutely not. Everything we do under saddle is important, and so is the feel for our horse. Whether we trail ride once a month or are doing 100-mile endurance rides or weekly roping competitions, we ALL benefit from a correct saddle fit.
  • Do I have to ride during the saddle fit?
    It is strongly recommended however we understand that sometimes a horse's stage, a rider's nerves or footing conditions may restrict our riding options. In these cases, we recommend sending us a clear video of your next ride to ensure the saddle fit was a complete success. Can I just do a video call for my saddle fit? No. At Topline Saddle Fitting America, it is our belief that we need to see and feel your horse in person to ensure we have covered every relevant aspect to your saddle fit. This includes feeling pressure points, contact, and examining the condition of your pads and girths/cinches. This cannot be done responsibly via video. The only exception to this is if we have fitted in person and you then wish us to review some photos or videos on the same horse, with the same equipment within four weeks of his hands-on fit.
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